Earth to Jamie Contributors
Say hello to the contributors here at Earth to Jamie.
Hi. You should know who I am by now or maybe not know me but
you've probably seen my picture over there to the right.
There's a little snippet about me over there, you really can't miss it.
Not that it's like huge or anything but I am on every page of the
website and the About page.
I have so many interests and I'm glad I now have a place where
I can share them with you too.
Hey there. I'm Jamie's Mom and so excited for her new website.
I also have many interests especially with health and natural care options.
I love creating my own DIY personal care products and I can't wait to
delve more into it. There's always something new to create, right?
The best part is sharing with others and hearing what they have to say.
Check out the new website at: The Inquisitive Enthusiast